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A super intersting book on a forgotten war

Small masterpiece in a super accurate book

The series man in arms is a classic for a public that love military history. One particular important time is the XIX century and the moste know war are the Napoleonic the American civil war and also the various colonial war and the Danish German and the franc German and the several colonial one but one of the bloodiest and may be the most bloodiest was the Tripple Alliance War and I will make a small review about Gabriele Esposito “Armies of the War of the Triple Alliance 1864-70 that has been illustrate by the Italian artist from Forli Giuseppe Rava. I will not tell so much about this war because you can really read the book that is written in a excellent easy style without any lines that is giving to us amusement and a lot of knowledge. Paraguay was a particular land under a charismatic dictator lopez that was really infest in modernity but also to lift the indigenous tradition. We discover the social structure of feudalism in the might Brazilian empire and the two catholic and liberal republic of Argentina and Uruguay. The conflict was really full of many epic fight dieses and a form of total warfare that had influence the time to come. Already the book is able to capture our fanatasy and like a good movie and TV series to have us inside that time and inside that operation an put our fantasy in action. This is the text but even bather are the illustrations done by a meravolous artist. Rava work with an extreme knowledge of the classical art but also with a difficult task that is given by the fact that he is making a particular kind of work a history piece that have to had a documentary values. The front illustration is significant it is the charge of paraguyaing cavalry dress in red. The position of the lances remain about what we will see like the forefather Paolo Uccello and the marabous “la battaglia di san Roman” but with a real important difference we are not outside the battle as in Paolo Uccello but in front of it under the main charge waiting in square to receive it. The horses show and other main influence Michelangelo mendrils bather known as the  Caravaggio with horse that remain the one of Saint Paul in “la conversion di San  Polo” conserved in Rome at Santa Maria del polo. They are almost real like it. The illustration has something about sculpture alike that make them almost perfect. We discover the two influence on the brazil army the Austrian/ German war and the France that was common even for Argentina and the Italian or bather of several Italian states in Uruguay. A book that is worth to read also for person that are not only interest in military story. What do you wait buy it


Robert Fogelberg Rota