Stravinsky  at the Royal Music conservatory in Stockholm

One really good interpretation

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Igor Stravinsky has been one of the big  name or may be the biggest name in XX century music and for me even with all his problem an extreme idea he has been able to look at the new time music both Jazz and even rock in some aspect and put it in the XIX century tradition in particular the lesson of Richard Wagner. I  know that he was deep against  the German composer but for me there is a big point of contact of the concept  of art fusion. Only that in his masterpiece History of a soldier Stravinsky could find another important part the social pathos. When he decide to put the music on a Russian folk tale he made a piece of art of a quiet normal situation the disillusionment an lost of several soldier that come back for the traces hell and went in another hell. At the Royal musical academy in Stockholm a class put this play in lecture way in a wonderful way that is develop with such high class. Stepan Frolov gives a perfect way. He succeed in putting both the classical part with virtuoso perfection and also some great Russian folk trunes. We are almost inside the stort of passion that are also build up by the clarinet of Emili Souvagine and the wonderful voice of the story reader Kotryna Starkute that take uss in thsi work. The really beautiful burt that give a selector to all this paly is Jan Daniels perfect piano execution. A really good interpretation

Robert Fogelberg Rota