Plautida no more forgotted

Melnaiunmazzicchi she write mostely about fiction. After long reacher she publish a book about titorto ‘ daughter. Melania has the desire to redvover a different she speak about a woman that create something living from something not animated.

It will be a sort of conversation one really simple question about the covert that has been putted out.

When I wrote the novel we didn’t know the main charather lappila the painter was found today she wear a modest dress she whore a simple dress we need to know more about her. It is painter by a Modenese painter may be this is a ideal image.

You are famous in the art historical work

The know world is to find a woman architecture she was a painter and she become a character I several novel it was really difficult to find book I red several biography and she made a chappel I Saint Luiis of the frnach she was a architterice that is the female of architteore. Today we don’t have that world. She was roman as well like me (Melnaia G Mazzucco) there is a famous chapel for Caravaggio there. It is the Franch national church. They knew it was create by a woman. The father og Lautina was Giovanni., There was some kind of story about her. Io Plaudita Bricchi Archittetrice ho fatto I sudetti cpaitoli. In Piazza del Popolo there is Santa maria Montesnat and artist church. The main painteting until 2011 the wife of Magni found a paper with a story. About a young woman caul lpatilla Prici was painting and it was complete by the Virgin Mary herself. It was akind of miracle for them. From the time all she was consider a pupil of the virgin mary. She was 24 and they made a kind of marcheting from the maria vergine of the carmelian. The father was dying she could only pay capoccie. Not mor that souvenir. The self thought Giovanni Bricci was giving a kind of education Giovanni briccio thought mathematic and painting, She wanted to be an universal artist like Bernini. In the year 1624 he wrote relazioen della Balena. He was quite poor the interesting scene in another class of artist More that 300 painter lived and only 20 was quite ppor he painted coat of arms from chariot and also shop sight. Plautina meet an abbot Elpidio Benedetti the father was aemboider and artisan in the roman curia. Only by joing the clercy for study. Rome was a monarchy he had a huge power but limited by the death. The Pope was Urban VIII of house Barberini. Ottiavio barberino was jenerous and he introduces Benedetti to mazerin and epidio was send to France. He could have a very mighty premire minister in Franch. There is love story between empidio it was a kind of relationship. Empidio gave to Plautilia the house in which Plutila was living. This was the only possibility to give her a house. They were loved in some way. Plautinia made draft. Nonoe like bendetti but Mazerin helped him and said to Luis XIV to put Benedetti as his agent in Rome. In practical a cultural attaché I Rome. Bendtto decide to build a villa. The name is villa del Vascello or villa bendetti,. The form was a kind of ship against the Vatican. The villa was not for a cardinal an in this time was only male archittere and only cardinal not a simple person. Sge was 46. When they were digging for the faudation they were shocked because she was a 46 year old woman. Ten years later the abott understood he was taking a risk he publish a kind of guide to the villa with Pietro da Cortona and Benedetti told that basilio the brother of plautina was the reall architect. The only contemporary that wrote about Plautina was Tessin. It really look like a vasell In 1849 the republican Romana an there were a lot of fighting the French artillery bombed the Ganicolo above Trastevere. It was the only place they were going away from this villa to Venice.  Villa tdel Vascello was a symbol and I made a paraller story about it,. Destruction of the Plautil’s memory, the destruction of the Villaand also about mazzini’s republic. It was a mintaure of this. They were a kind of children for PLautilla and Benedetti. An exhibition was organised there are a lot of similitudies to the Spanish step in Rome. They relay worked tighter she had a sister Efasia that painted on a wall with oli she was a nun she wrote infecit year after year she become someone. Julia minarosa discover several argument, she wanted to be paid like an artist. She was very proud she put her self in some work when she was quite old. The father was a painter and this gave a kind of trainer she could see some kind of drughet Giovanni was studied with Caravaggio.

Plautila was born the same year that Artemisia ‘s daughter Giovanni brici was an the oposide site had a line of mannerist like arpino and Giudo reni and mostly Rfaello. Artemisia had a terrible reputation in Rome., The master of plautila is her father Romanelli from Viterbo they lived in the same house he was the protege of Francisso Barberini. Plautila knew andra Sacchi close to Cortona and she was inspiring maratta. The painting are much more classical.

Robert Fogelberg Rota