A great metal composer

Interview with Marco Riover Boccoti

  1. Well could you introduce you to a Swedish pubblic?


    Hi Sweden metalheads! I’m Marco 24 years old from Italy, i’m Heavy Metal vocalist of Delirant chaotic sound and Hercunia.   


  2. How is the difficulties and the possibility of making rock music in Italy today?

The main difficulty of course is money and time: most muscists are young dudes usually students without a fixed salary while the musicits that have a work have less time for composing music or play. 



  1. Could you tell uss something about the music shene+’how do you work for the composing of your works?


    Heavy metal scene in italy is not and easy reality, Italy is full of good band and not.

    all the bands are constatly in competion to take a little piece of visibility and this situation create a lot of hate and envy between the bands and the misicians.

    When i composing music works i do it in two ways: because my bands have differet styles with Hercunia i play folk metal and i am inspired by my passion for history and i write lirycs that talking about history facts or myths and legends of ancient time. For the DCS is different we play a melodic Death Trash metal and i am inspired, usually, by the things happened im my life, i watch the world outside and look at all the shit are arround and i want to scream I’M ANGRY! I DO NOT ACCCEPT THIS! The DCS lyrics are full of ideas and complait and sometimes also feelings caused by this situations.   


  2. How do you write the lyrics?


    When i am inspired i take the first thing in front of me for wrote, maybe are only two lines of words but i need to inprint this words on paper for not forget it and a lot of ideas starts to be created. Sometimes becoming nothing or are temporarily suspended for do something special further on, sometimes  they become immediately a full lyrics with a lot of passion inside.


  3. What theme do you use?


    as I said about the Hercunia I wrote music inspiring me to the history or its legends and myths like celtic tales, it helps me to free my mind an escape in acient times.

With DCS (Delirant Chaotic Sound) instead i use music I use music as a means of protestm, for talk about injustice, feelings and to denounce what I think is wrong.



  1. How is it with your possibility of making concert in Italy?


    The place for play are less and less everyday and if you want to play usually you play for free maybe if you are lucky you got a pizza and a beer.

    The luckiest that got a date for play are prepared to play for 6-7 people usually few best friends because italy is full of metalheads but when its time to take boots and go out for listen the bands of own town play everybody prefer rest at home and write on own facebook pages “ i love metal, i’m a metalheads”.

    Dudes i know that a lot of bands are shitty bands but  Saturday is maded up for go out, take a beer and speak with your friends face to face maybe only for watch something different then the pc monitor.  But some musicians are not afraid of this and put the best of his self for play and composing music and someone sometimes, dosen’t become the most famous, but someone take some little satisfaction. This summer we (Hercunia) have play in front of a lot of people with TYR a famous folk metal band from Faer Oer islands.


  2. Have you thought about making film music or have you make it?


    Yes,  grace to a very promising frined in the field of videomaking with DCS we have made a music video of the song DOGMA a song that talk about religious extremism. The video tells about two soldiers: one follows cautiously what is imposed on him and one that have a second thoughts. Watch the video if you whant to know what happenes!





  3. Do you have some favourite Swedish musician?


    Of course a lot! sweden has been an important landscape for metal music, i can’t forget the melodic death metal born in sweden with band like InFlames, At the gates, Dark tranquillity, Children of bodom; and now perpetrated by band like Arch enemy or Amon Amarth.


  4. Have you been supporting other groups?


Certainly I try to do my best to help friends often trying to make them play with me or passing dates where i can’t play!



  1. When will you come to Sweden?

I hope soon! for my passion for her story and for coming to play in that beautiful lands!

For know bather about his check on https://www.youtube.com/user/delirantchaoticsound

