The empress of rock

The empress of gouge rock


Few artists in the modern rock scene for me are so interesting like the Canadian Monteral based artist Laura inferno. The vocal and the musicality is really super interesting and it remain quite a lot about Joan jet but is bather more melodious and more aggressive. Physically one can think about  a younger and more feminine Charline Tzeron in “mad Max Fury road”. It is not only for the hair cut but also for the artist capacity of this artist. She has agree to answer to some of my questions

How was that you started singing?  

Why did I star singing? I sing since I was 9 years old. So singing always been part of my life. I couldn’t imagine it without music. It is a part or may be the biggest part of my life


Are you listing to some kind of particular music?
If it is about music I like, I cannot choose just one song as
I listen to all kinds of music and there are too many good songs

Wchich is your main influence in your music

Main influence? In life or music? In life, just life itself. In music, Pearl Jam

Have you been influence by some Swedish artist


No Swedish artist has influenced me. But I would love to go to Sweden your country seam so beautiful


Robert Fogelberg Rota